What Are the Risk Factors for Head and Neck Cancer? How to Lower Your Risk

What Are the Risk Factors for Head and Neck Cancer? How to Lower Your Risk


Cancer is a series of diseases that occur when there is abnormal growth of cells in the human body. A common type of cancer is head and neck cancer which affects your mouth, throat, head, and neck. There are various types of head and neck cancers including oral cancer which develops in your lips and tongue, salivary gland cancer, Paranasal sinus cancer, Nasopharyngeal cancer, Oropharyngeal cancer, etc. You may experience various symptoms depending on its type which include sore throat, earaches, frequent headaches, pain in your neck and upper teeth, hoarseness, and speaking or breathing problems.

If you chew tobacco substances, drink alcohol, and are infected with human Papillomavirus (HPV) you may have to suffer from this disease. To manage the risk factors of this disorder you can make an appointment with a head and neck oncologist in Siliguri.

Risk factors involved in head and neck cancers and how to lower the risk

Chewing tobacco

Using tobacco is one of the most common causes of head and neck cancers. This includes chewing betel nuts, smoking cigarettes, cigars, and electronic cigarettes. Tobacco contains carcinogens, which is a harmful substance that causes cancer. These carcinogens damage the DNA cells which results in damaged cells becoming more cancerous.

How to lower the risk

Once you are addicted to tobacco it is difficult to quit. But a combination of counselling and medications, helps you to quit the smoking habit.

Counselling: This can be of various types including face-to-face conversations and you can talk to someone who has gone through a phase. This helps you to come up with a plan to quit the smoking habit.

Medications: If counselling doesn’t work then you can try another option i.e. medications. There are various medications including nicotine replacement therapies, varenicline, and bupropion. Nicotine replacement therapies come in several forms including chewing gums, nasal spray, and inhaler.   

Consuming Alcohol

Another major risk factor for head and neck cancer is consuming too much alcohol. When you consume alcohol your body turns it into a chemical called acetaldehyde. This chemical not only damages the cells but also stops cells from repairing the damage. Consuming alcohol makes it easier for the cell's mouth and throat to absorb these chemicals developing cancer.

How to lower the risk

There are various strategies you can follow to reduce the consumption of alcohol. You can set a goal and reduce the consumption of drinking, identifying the triggers that make you drink, and you can seek support from others.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

The Human Papillomavirus or HPV is commonly associated with head and neck cancer. The HPV strain mostly 16 and 18 changes the cells of the cervix leading to cervical cancer. The cervical cancer begins in the middle part of the throat (oropharynx).  This virus is highly contagious and may be transmitted from skin-to-skin contact.

How to lower the risk

Since the virus doesn’t cause any symptoms you can visit a cancer specialist in Siliguri for diagnoses. There are some other ways which help to reduce the risk of Human Papillomavirus including getting an HPV vaccine, cervical screening, and other tests for HPV etc.   

Radiation exposure

Another main reason for head and neck cancer is due to prolonged exposure to radiation. When you are exposed to UV rays it results in developing lip and skin cancer as well. Prolonged exposure to radiation results in developing secondary cancers including salivary gland cancer, thyroid cancer, and head cancers.  

How to lower the risk

To lower the risk factors of radiation exposure you can follow some necessary guidelines. You can wear appropriate clothing, wear sunglasses, use sunscreen, avoid going outside when the sun’s rays are strongest, and check your skin regularly. You need to be extra careful near water as they can reflect the sun rays which increase the chances of getting sunburn.   

Weak immune system

The immune system plays a major role in the establishment of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). But when you have a weak immune system it makes it harder for your body to fight with cancer. Also when you have a weak immune system the body may find it harder to identify the cancer cells.

How to lower the risk

The doctor may perform blood tests to check the health of the immune system. If you want to ensure a healthy immune system you can take necessary precautions including, consuming healthy food, exercising, maintaining a healthy weight, getting enough sleep, limiting alcohol, and quitting smoking.  

Poor hygiene

You need to maintain proper cleanliness of your teeth and gums to reduce the risk of getting oral cancer. When you have poor oral hygiene you may develop other risk factors including gum disease. This results in inflammatory molecules entering your bloodstream which leads to chronic inflammation.

How to lower the risk

To maintain proper oral hygiene you need to brush your teeth twice a day, use dental floss once daily, brush your tongue, use antibacterial mouthwash, and visit a dentist immediately if you face oral health issues.  


Genetics may have a significant role in causing cancers. People with Fanconi anemia obtain genes which increase the risk of developing head and neck cancers. If you use a predisposing gene and you use tobacco you may have a greater risk of suffering from cancer.

How to lower the risk

To lower the risk factor of genetics you need to do genetic testing which helps you to predict the likelihood of cancer. Genetic testing for head and neck cancers includes Comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP), MSK-IMPACT™, Whole exome sequencing, and Whole genome sequencing. By doing this testing you may reduce the chances of suffering from this cancer.


Head and neck cancer are several types of cancers which affect your mouth, throat, head, and neck. You may likely suffer from this disease if you are using tobacco, drinking alcohol, chewing betel nuts, are exposed to radiation for a prolonged time, have a weak immune system, have poor hygiene, and genetics. To manage the symptoms of this disease you can make an appointment with a head & neck Oncologist in Siliguri. With necessary treatment, you can manage the symptoms of this disorder and ensure a quick recovery.

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